How to cancel my subscription/membership?
Please visit the Customer page. Enter your email and the registration code to access and cancel your subscription. Alternatively, please send a cancellation request from the email you used for your order to
As a valued customer, we understand that you may consider canceling your subscription with us. Before you decide, we want to take a moment to remind you of all the benefits and value your subscription provides.
First and foremost, your subscription gives you access to frequently updated conversion software that is compatible with the current accounting software and file formats provided by banks.
Your subscription comes with support in addition to the software. Simply contact us if you need help with your conversions or have questions about your options regarding your current situation, the files you receive, and the accounting software you use.
Are you thinking about upgrading Quickbooks or another accounting software? Ask us about the new version support and how it works now compared to your current version.
Are you not satisfied with the current value you receive from using our software? Let us know, and we will provide what we know about the constantly changing state of things.