How to map CSV amount columns

This tutorial explains CSV mapping for amounts. It uses an obsolete app, but applicable to the current converter. See it as a video at

CSV/Excel files may have several layouts for the amounts.

What is 'Layout'? Let's say, in this case, we have a simple layout, where the Amount is presented in a single column and the Deposits are positive, Withdrawals are negative.

So, that Amount sign plus the column itself, create complete details for the converter, it knows, which transactions are Withdrawals, which transactions are Deposits. So, you would go to CSV Mapper (click 'Review Mapping').

And then you would just say - this is my Amount column, I don't use Deposits and I don't use Withdrawals.

Then, let's say, you have different layouts, you have Debit and Credit columns and they are both positive, or the Debit column is all negative, and the Credit column is positive, or you have Debit/Credit column and they also may have different Amount signs. This is all working, but you have to specify Deposit and Withdrawal columns, you have to say - Amount 'Do not use' and the Deposit specifies Deposit column, and Withdrawal specifies Withdrawal column here.

And, the last case, for the Amount layout kind - is when you have one Amount column, but all numbers are positive, and then you have another Type column, which has words like Debit/Credit, DR/CR, and other variants.

Then you would say here - Debit/Credit column - this is my column, that provides the transaction Type.

And this is my Amount column. Then the converter will use this information to figure out, which one is Withdrawal, which one is Deposit.

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