How to import a QFX file into Quicken for Windows and Mac

Import created QFX file into Quicken for Windows

Use the converter app to convert your transaction files to the required by your accounting software file format.

When the QFX file is created, switch to Quicken and import created QFX file. file. Make sure that the account is not connected to online services. Click 'Tools' - 'Account List'.

We have to disconnect from online services first. Click 'Edit'.

Then click "Online Services" and click on the 'Deactivate' button. Then click 'Yes' and 'Ok'.

IMPORTANT: Make sure to back up your data. You can easily roll back or restore your data to the previous state if the transactions are imported incorrectly. After disconnecting the account from Online Services, you can import a QFX file. To import a QFX file, select 'File' - 'File Import' - 'Web Connect (.QFX) File', and select created QFX.

You can select "Create a new account" or you can select "Link to an existing account to import transactions". If you are disconnected from online services, that account will be shown on the list. You may choose to keep online services connected and import into a new account if you have something temporary to import. You can import them into that account, and then move transactions from that account to another account. So this way you will keep the existing account connected to online services and you don't have to connect it back later. Click the 'Import' button.

Then click the 'Close' button.

All transactions are imported here, they are shown in the bottom part. You can review transactions and use Renaming Rules if you like. Then click 'Accept All transactions.

They are accepted and listed in Quicken.

Import created QFX file into Quicken for macOS

Use the ProperConvert app to convert your transaction files to the required by accounting software file format.

When the QFX file is created, switch to Quicken and import created QFX file. Make sure that the account is not connected to online services. Right-click - 'Edit' account.

If you see, for example, Connection Type (Web Connect), it means that it is connected. We have to disconnect from online services first. Click on 'Set up transaction download'.

Then click the 'Options' button.

Select "Enter transactions manually" and click the 'Continue' button.

Click the 'Finish' button. This way you disconnect from direct online download and now you can import a QFX file into this account.

Before importing a QFX file go to settings, and click "Preferences".

Then click "Connected Services".

And uncheck 'Automatically improve the quality of downloaded payee names and categories'. Because it could change your Payee names and assign categories, that are not applicable.

In Quicken, back up your data file before importing. You can easily roll back or restore your data to the previous state if the transactions are imported incorrectly. To import a QFX file, select 'File' - 'Import' - 'Bank or Brokerage File (OFX, QFX)', select created QFX file.

And select an existing account to import transactions instead of 'Add a new Quicken account'. Click the 'Continue' button.

Now your transactions are imported. You can categorize, review, delete them. They are already inside Quicken. There is no category. This category is assigned by Quicken. This is not from the CSV file. QFX files do not have categories. You can change the category. And Quicken will use that choice next time you import.

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