PDF Converter common issues

The PDF statement files are meant for printing and the ProperConvert app has the ability to extract transactions from such files. The parser looks for elements like the following:

  • statement date range to extract the year commonly not present on transaction lines
  • the header to identify a date, description, one or two columns amount layout (amount vs debit/credit)
  • duplicate transactional details (transaction list and check list)
  • missing dates for transactions happened on the same date (the date is present on the first transaction only)
  • other unexpected elements

We use a third-party PDF library in the past and found that it does not party certain PDF files correctly, which makes our parsing process incorrect. While we worked with PDF file library vendor to address those issues, they are still not addressed fully, but on another hand, the library does a good job with common PDF statements.

Later we tried another PDF library and found similar issues for files from other banks.

In the current version, we offer a choice for both libraries, so you can try another if one does not work for your PDF file.

We are working on a new solution to have the parsing process improved.

The following are common issues.

Some amounts are presented as withdrawals instead of deposits

You can double-click the amount inside the converter to have it reversed, or reverse the sign on all transactions by clicking "Change +/-".

"I could not find any text data in this file. Please make sure it is not scanned pdf file, and it has transaction data"

If you see a message "I could not find any text data in this file. Please make sure it is not scanned pdf file, and it has transaction data".

If it is not a scanned file, it may have a statement layout that is not supported by the current version. We are working on the next version that may process your PDF file.

A PDF file has more transactions than a converter shows

If your PDF file has more transactions (or transaction details) than PDF2* converter shows,  We are working on the next version that may process your PDF file better.

If your PDF file has fewer transactions (or transaction details) than the converter shows, it may not process your PDF layout correctly, please send your PDF file as an attachment to support@propersoft.net and for a review. 

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